Faster Melee 5.9F (It's named Beta)
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Backup Ladder Build for those who find Slippi too Expensive (D-left Dashback, D-right Shield Drop)
Fun Changes From v5.8.7 to v5.9 1. UCF v0.73 FM v5.8.7 uses UCF v0.66 which can cause issues with dashback. 2. In-Game Chat You no longer have to exit the game. Just press Y on your keyboard to enter chat mode. Press Esc to quit chat mode at any time. Press Enter to exit if you have nothing already typed in. You can also toggle a clock displayed in your overlay in your Graphics settings. 3. Performance You can use Performance Lag Reduction to save major CPU resources with the cost of one buffer. You can now see if your opponent is struggling producing frames in the netplay window and ping updates are quicker during game.