Visual Changes
- Friend List / Direct messages have been moved to a sidebar style. This way the dm list is just as intuitive but multiple list styles don’t have to be maintained for different screen sizes, and things like friend list / ignore list and user search can be consolidated, and I think this view is more normal across multiple games and websites
- Public / Main Chat has been separated so that it’s not part of the navigational tabs. The site used to have a “Double Active Tab” thing which was super weird and not easy to know what’s going on at a glance.
-Tabs got a new design, this probably is the reason for all of the updates but who knows!
-Profile Card Redesigned a bit (Also got react'd, and the positioning script is a little bugger than I wanted it to be)
-Stream popups now work a little better and load relevant data
-Doubles now has the ability to set teammates before the match starts (Helpful for friendly lobbies)
-Right click menus on chat tabs removed. They’ve been relocated to be persistently visible at the top of the chat rooms, yay!
-Options when starting matchmaking have been moved around a little bit, it’s still a mess but I’m attempting to organize it better. Maybe a tab layout will be better than the current vertical scrolly style.
-Right click game in matchmaking -> View match activity has been changed to be a sub page as opposed to a popup
-Ability to minimize main chat, and the current setting will be remembered between browser refreshes
-Userlist can be toggled on or off (We lose a little bit of horizontal space because of the new position of the friend list
- Subscriber list toggles between a few different views, top donators, most disputes by moderators this month, latest subs, and latest donations.. And other random stuff
-Chat rules moved to a server request and is a sub page of the chat rooms instead of a popup
-Featured streams got a makeover, and streams of people that are still searching for matches can be shown
-Matchmaking sub page crashes will no longer crash the entire page and will display a proper error message (This tab… crashes a lot)
-Disputes got a slight interface update (For mods) (.... probably accidentally gave the update to none mods too so I might have to fix that)
-Hover preview for private chats
-Time remaining to be subbed has been made a little prettier and links to the subscription page
- New subscription advertisement is now in that area too. I don’t remember if it was there before.
-Streams page given a makeover also (Similar to featured streams)
-Doubles matches now show up in featured streams
-New button to toggle the pinned chat message
-Mobile chat redesigned to use the same style as desktop sized chat, pretty nifty.
-Ability to use chat as a popout. This is not as good as I was hoping it would be but it’s an option for people now.
-Fixed bugs related to mobile match view (Not used by many people but… they need bug fixes!)
-A glowing warning if you’re on the start match view while still in a match
-Attempting to start a new search while in a match will now automatically switch the page back to the active match
-Clicking host will show an animation even if the command went off instantly (It would feel like the button didn't do anything if dolphin launcher has a direct connection to the browser tab)
-.... Made "Lock Character" text clickable to toggle the lock character state in matches
None Visual! (Things that changed or were updated but probably are less noticeable unless they cause bugs to things that still look the same)
-Context menus have been rewritten to use a more React.js’y system instead of the crazy monstrosity that it was before.
-View match activity has been changed to be generated client side and the api call no longer returns raw html
- Leaving a match no longer closes dolphin automatically, I feel like this was unnecessary and was causing issues for when people wanted to rematch. (It would have been annoying to recode how rematches work and prevent them from initiating dolphin to be closed by dolphin launcher)
-Entire main matchmaking interface is finally wrapped in react! Getting closer to getting rid of jquery (Not that jquery's bad but howtf do you organize javascript raw)…
-Fixed some moderator related bugs with stopping rule breaking match descriptions!
-FIXED BLOG POSTS, new submissions have been dead since May 9th v_v.