What is up guys, this is Shintaro_Of_Evil, aka that one skrub who used to be good but at this point he can't even win a match without getting styled on, but he still has to keep a straight face anyways.
I'm here to say something nobody cares about. Aka, why I haven't been active on SmashLadder. There is a very simple reason for that; I am no longer able to participate in any matches. Why? My internet. Is. CRAP. Like, VERY crap. I mean the emphasis, too. You know that meme that goes around where someone has "0.09" upload? Yeah, that's me, only my upload is 0.05 now. Before you say "Wow, noob, kys, just, like, get better internet, noob.", there is no way for me to get better internet. This is the best I can get, given I'm still under supervision by my parents, but I'm not near any hotspots, and the closest host that we are using is nearly 50 miles away. Also its wireless connection. So.. yeah. That is why I won't be doing any more matches on this site. Fact, I'll be entirely inactive for a long time.
Now for updates because I want to write more about things you do not care about. This doesn't mean I will not be active on anything overall, you can still follow the links below this post to keep in touch with me. This only means SmashLadder is useless to me. Secondly, an update on youtube: I'll officially resume uploading videos in a few weeks. Due to my parents policies and my strict time schedule, I will not be able to upload consistently. I should have something out at least once a week when the time comes, however. So there you have it.
That is all. Shintaro the Skrub Lord is officially out of here.
Follow me on twitter, where I may or may not be active: https://twitter.com/Shintaro_Marth
Subscribe to my crappy account on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcX275rhbBqFUyv1caHnXBA
Uhh.. I guess you can add me on discord..: Shintaro_Of_Evil#7140