Hi! I'm Sahil. Ya, now you must be saying "India? "What is that noob doing?!" "India sucks!" "Have they ever seen 1000 ping?". Yeah, I've heard these since I join this website. I clearly though it was a waste coming here. But don't think I'm an no-average guy. I've too got some smashing skills. And bcoz no Nintendo is here, so I have to depend on my PC to play all the smash games. And no one's willing to play with me, and if I joined a match, they kick me out. BCoz I'm a freaking Indian! There are trying to be too stereotypical. Or they just jealous with our skills. Anyways, talk with me, curse me, calm me, or leave me. That was a waste of time for me, and you all.
(probably the most bad experience on a website, EVER!)