Hello all of you! I'm kind of new to this website and I thought I could introduce myself.
While I do not have any real kind of pro plays, I think of myself as someone who is somewhat decent and can put up a fight. I mainly play smash 4.
My two real mains are:
Ryu: I play him alot, but I don't get consistent wins. Anyway, I can do some good things with him sometimes. Here is an example of how my Ryu can play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRH7ZmdN8o4
Cloud: I get more consistent wins with him, but I feel like I can improve more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMdDanZzCG0
And if I ever feel the need to, I have other side mains, such as:
Corrin: I just play him for fun but it seems I could've gotten some results out of him. I don't have a video for him.
Ike: He is a character I play essentialy to practice my skills as a smasher in general, like reads and spacing.
Samus: My pocket main, I usually go for her when I have trouble dealing with a certain character or if the player is underestimated me... an example here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMuOFo657VU
I hope I could've introduce myself (mostly my mains but whatever) and I hope that I can practice with them without going on For Glory.