For a while now, I have stalked and played people across the world and have taken names and have become one of the top players in my state. This last weekend I attended Genesis 3, was knocked out by Larry Lurr and the Second best from Alberta Canada in a close set (my Yoshi vs his Dr. mario). The problem I had though was that everyone i did beat, i double 2 stocked, and one set vs a Ganon only took 17% on the first round and around 40% on the second.
After the loss I tried to enjoy the weekend but couldnt quite shake this horrible feeling that I hadnt even come close to my potential and I truly feel that with the proper direction I Could be a top 16 player in the world for smash 4 and maybe beyond.
I mark this day as the day of awakening for myself to truly push my limits and do what ever is necessary to become the best that I can be.