Smashladder TeamSpeak’s Chatroom Rules of Life:
Moderators are here to keep the peace and impeding their ability to do so through harassment or otherwise will result in punishment. These punishments are not limited to the TeamSpeak server, they are liable to be extended to the website itself.
The Following things warrant a kick from the server:
Racial/Prejudice slurs
Very Toxic/Crude Language
Excessive Swearing
Heated Arguments
Sexual Content/Malicious Links
Excessive Salt
Talking over others purposefully
The Following things warrant a temporary ban(usually with a warning/length depends on severity)
Break Apart Arguments/Flamewars
Warning given to talk amongst themselves in Private Messages or a private(temporary) channel
Hate Speeches
Harassment of users, mods. Ban evaders, etc.
Harassment is up to mod/user discretion
Constant Spam/Toxic Behavior
Outrageous Salt
Continuing to do what warranted the perpetrator to be kicked
All Ban lengths are up to mods discretion/severity of the situation
Spamming is never allowed. If the flow of the chat is disrupted, a kick with a warning message are given.
Memeing is allowed, but highly discouraged during times of discussion, and if it is disruptive, then it is considered spam.
Excessive spam with warning is rewarded with a kick. Continual breaking of this rule will result in a ban from the server.